We are focused on providing comprehensive services throughout the production, registration and/or importation of pharmaceutical products for human and veterinary medicine, cosmetics, food, disinfectants, medical devices, and other related products, complying at all stages with requirements established under Sanitary Chilean law. Related services, like project evaluations, buying process, audits and others are also available.


Our proposals are designed and implemented according to the requirements and needs of each client, and the level of operations and projections in the domestic market of each client.

Consultations may be charged by project or by contract with ongoing technical assistance agreements; either in the client’s office, or elsewhere.

  • Sanitary registrations by: ISP (“Instituto de Salud Pública de Chile”: Chilean Board of Health for human drugs)(Pharmaceutical drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, plaguicides, etc)

  • Custom and internation process for food, including Chilean Nutritional facts development (SEREMI: “Secretaría Regional Ministerial de Salud”: Board of Health for food)

  • Custom (CDA) and “Use and Destiny” processes for regulated products by the ISP and SEREMI

  • Stores/warehouses authorizations by the ISP and/or SEREMI

  • Project evaluations before their execution

  • Part-time or full-time Temporary or permanent Technical assesory

  • Audits to the sanitary regulated places

  • Internal Audits to regulated and non regulated products

  • Remote or presencial assesories per hour


  • Biosyntec (Pharmaceutical drugs, medical devices, food)
  • Ethon (Pharmaceutical drugs, food)
  • Degesch Chile (Plaguicides)
  • Mylva España (Plaguicides)
  • E-Nutrition (Food)
  • Nutraline (Food and permanent monthly assesory)
  • Importadora y Comercializadora Dulce Locura (Food)
  • Eveready de Chile (Cosmetic products and permanent technical assistance per hour)
  • The Coca-Cola Company
  • Amway Chile S.A.
  • Insumos Médicos Biometrix Ltda.
  • Biomarin Chile SpA
  • Mead Johnson Perú (Nursery Milk)
  • Danone (Nursery Milk)
  • New Nordic (Regulatory Project evaluation to the availability to import food to Chile from Dinamarca)
  • Dow Chile (Plaguicides)
  • Reutter (Human and veterinary pharmaceutical drugs, medical devices, food)
  • Real Wellnes (Cosmetics)
  • Oraltrade (Cosmetics)
  • SC Johnson (Internal Audit assesory to regulated and non regulated products)
  • Asphalion S.L. España (Regulatory affairs)
  • Distribución Natural S.A.


Our Company

Our company was established in 2002 to respond to the regulatory demands of the Chilean market. Over the years we have established a reputation of being skilled and experienced experts in our field. As such, we are well-equipped to accommodate the regulatory needs of both national and international companies. Our clients benefit from our expertise.

Our Team

Bilingual pharmacist with expertise areas: Regulatory affairs, quality assurance, internal audits, and much more.

Experience in both national and international company, and Chilean regulatory authority.

Nombre de PersonaJefa
Aquí puede ir una descripción de perfil profesional o también qué es lo que hace la persona en sus tiempos libres… familia, pasatiempos, etc.
Nombre de PersonaJefa
Aquí puede ir una descripción de perfil profesional o también qué es lo que hace la persona en sus tiempos libres… familia, pasatiempos, etc.
Nombre de PersonaJefa
Aquí puede ir una descripción de perfil profesional o también qué es lo que hace la persona en sus tiempos libres… familia, pasatiempos, etc.


Contact Information

Dr. Q.F. Alejandra Quiros Sánchez


Q.F. Paulina Alegría


Administrative Assistant Patricia Silva Orozco


Contact General Inquiries


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